Saturday 21 June, 2008

An evening walk and a realization

Its amazing how little time we have for ourselves in a 24 hr day. Sometimes as little as 5 minutes.
And i increasingly have started realizing the importance and merit of inculcating some self time.
Between getting up, getting my kid up to daycare, work, an evening of pick ups and getting dinner served, I realized that i really have no time to think or sit back for 5 minutes and really relish the joys of working so hard and creating a life for myself.
I went for a half hour walk today out with lil 'A. He loved it as much as i did. And we saw the grass, smelled the flowers, the pines after the fresh rain, petted a Yorkie named Java and saw some kids play on the slides. As i saw lil' A playing on the swings, I realized how much of good having siblings would do him. The security of a playmate , a confidant, another sibling !!!! Yes , a thought that i put away all the time. I realized sitting there and saw in my minds eye, three kids for myself. It was a very pleasant thought.
Life has run too fast till now. Kinda of really fast.... but i really want to take some time out and start to relish everything. Everything that i am so equipped and inclined to admire and breath in.


Carnal Zen said...

Wow - we were kindred today I also blogged today about time. Great post :-)

Arbit Orbit said...

Thanks Carnel Zen. That is a fundu name ! What does it mean