Sunday 22 June, 2008

Often wondered

And then i read it :
"Things that are easily acquired, obtained, or maintained, without any effort or sacrifice, lack value... it's human nature."
Love requires us to be available for someone, unconditionally , open and all there. And yet, when one is, one is just taken so for granted that after a point maybe he/she doesn't really excite or evoke a strong passion.
Wierd like so much that is logic, is eventually wierd.
I would hate to do this to someone. Yet I have experienced it twice and done it once myself. Shucks how very wierd. This cannot be the rule. It has to change. JUST a belief... that anything that is wrong cannot sustain. No incorrect behavior or emotion is justified and can be sustained.
I normally don't let such statements that read a general conduct, change my belief.
I would rather say :
"Things that are easily acquired, obtained, or maintained, without any effort or sacrifice... we eventually get so used to them that we intrinsically need them... it's human nature. They are invaluable ."

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