Saturday 28 June, 2008

When tears flow non stop, u know its someone near

So many thoughts are crossing my mind.... but in a nutshell I just realized two things :
  1. People who are closet to us, are often the ones who hurt us the most
  2. Try as much as they like, people we don't care about, cannot hurt us. They could bother us or irritate us, but not hurt us

Ironical. Hurt is self inflicted therefore.

Today is it.... I mean.... I am so hurt that I actually feel a sharp deep pain. And I realized it come from someone I truly love.

So many thoughts are crossing my mind....yet again two things:

  1. You can never hurt back the people you love, no matter how much they hurt you
  2. Yet they continue to hurt you, because they might not love you. General concern is not love.

Ironical. You love irrespective, someone you want too. And yet someone could do all they could to please you, and you dont see it, because its someone you dont want.

So many thoughts cross my mind.

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