Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Talent...abundance...but sometimes it is so hard to materialize

This is a oil on paper. This aint a painter but a budding fashion designer.
Ever since he was in his teens, he has been loading me with drawings, every weekend. Patterns that he made, new colour schemes, with a different flavour. I was never serious about them except telling him he was good or areas where he needed improvement.
Until today, when i am touched beyond words. With the spirit and passion that a hobby lends. This is my brother, who has immense potential and better still, relentless passion. Who moved to Canada when he was 18years, by himself, from India. Who really really wanted to study fashion designing from Nift, India, decided he could not manage his tuition fee and material expenses (never realised Fashion was so expensive to pursue until he told me), moved to Canada and enrolled himself into more job based study courses. Today he works a 9-5 routine for a random wierd thing we like to call stability, but his hobby is very much alive.
As I sat there clicking the many patterns and designs , I liked, tears brimmed my eyes. I saw his eyes were moist too. Little dreams, abundant talent, sometimes so hard to reach for lack of abundant resources at the right time.... Yet so much of enthusiasm, happy positive do-it attitude, loads of happiness in life , NO regrets, pride in all the little things.
Am very proud of you Rajat. And many never-say-too-tough attitude people, who make happiness in life from everything, who never regret, who pursue for plain happiness and not an end goal.

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